
Loxone Weather Station Air

Kuumakse al. 18.75 / 48 kuud


Juhtmevaba hooneautomaatika ilmajaam, mis toimib patareidelt.
Loxone Weather Station sisaldab 10-aasta pikkust Loxone Weather Service teenust (eraldi ostes 365.58 +km) .

  • Mõõdab töökindlalt lokaalset tuulekiirust, vihma, välistemperatuuri ja valgustugevust
  • Ennustab täpset ilmateadet ette kuni  66 tundi
  • Võimaldab kõiki andmeid vaadata nutitelefoni äpist Loxone App
  • Toimib patareidelt ja ei vaja kaablite paigaldust
  • Toodetud Loxone poolt ja toimib koos Loxone Miniserver, Miniserver Go või Miniserver Compact (saadaval Jaanuarist 2023) kontrolleriga
  • Ei sobi kasutamiseks rannikualadel (soolase õhuniiskusega keskonnas)

Saadaval järeltellimisel

Tootekood: 100245 Kategooria: Sildid: , ,


Loxone Weather Station Air

Accurate weather data for every situation

To be able to protect your home or business from the elements, it is crucial to have access to information about the weather right outside your doorstep. The Weather Station records wind, rain, brightness and temperature at your exact location. Installation in coastal areas is not advised.

Weather Service Included

When you purchase a Weather Station a 10-year Weather Service Subscription is in included. This enables weather forecast information – such as humidity,air pressure, wind direction and more – to be displayed up to 66 hours in advance.

What can be read with Weather Service?

Humidity | Solar Irradiation | Percipitation | Rain | Snow Air Pressure | Temperature and Perceived Temperature | Dew point | Wind direction | Wind Speed



Position of the Weather Station

The Weather Station collects various weather data. To determine the best place for installation, first consider which measured values are most important on a case-by-case basis.

Storms often cause significant damage to awnings or exterior blinds. For this reason, the Weather Station should be able to detect the wind in its most pure form –without it being slowed down by trees, walls, etc.


To accurately detect brightness, the Weather Station needs to be placed in direct sunlight. However, this may skew any temperature readings – in this scenario, we’d recommend using the Weather Service for temperature monitoring.

Frost and moisture have the potential to cause significant damage. In order to reliable protect the building, the Weather Station needs to be able to detect any precipitation unhindered.

Use cases

Automatic Shading

With the help of the Weather Station’s Temperature Sensor, you’ll be protected from overheating as the blinds can be automatically lowered. This can help protect furniture and prevent the temperature from increasing drastically.

Awning & shading protection

The precise, local wind measurements recorded by the Weather Station allow any awnings or exterior shades to be retracted into a safe position – should there be any high-speed winds.


Customise your garden watering schedule based on a specific weather forecast – ensuring that grass (or other plants) are never under or overwatered. Find out more about smart garden watering here.

Rain warning

Thanks to the Weather Station’s built-in rain sensor, you’ll be reminded to close any open windows as soon as any rain is detected. Perfect for when there’s a spontaneous shower. You can find out more about this specific feature here.

Temperature Control

Thanks to the exact forecast of the outside temperature, your heating system can precisely determine the flow temperature required and transfer it to your heating system. This is a great way of ensuring your ideal temperature is realised in each room as part of your zoned heating.

Individual functions

Take it a step further with this powerful weather hack… How about having the colour lighting in the hallway turn to blue in the morning if rain is forecast. That way you’ll know to bring in the washing from the line before you head off to work, take your raincoat or close that window.

Storm and Frost Protection

Loxone Frost Protection with Weather Station AirFrost protection

If the external temperature falls below 1°C and precipitation is detected by the Weather Station – the movement of any exterior awnings or blinds will be paused. Frost Protection can be manually deactivated through the Loxone App otherwise it will automatically be deactivated when the temperature rises above 10°C.



Loxone Shading Storm ProtectionStorm Protection

If the Weather Station detects high wind speeds, then Storm Protection will be activated. This means that all awnings or exterior blinds (which could be damaged) are automatically retracted into a safe position. While Storm Protection is enabled, the awnings and blinds will essentially be deactivated. However, like Frost Protection, Strom Protection can be switched off via the Loxone App or when the wind speeds begin to lower.

Fully integrated with the Loxone App

Loxone Weather Station AppThe full weather forecast from the Loxone Weather Service in displayed the Loxone App. At any time of the day or night, you can access information on the predicted weather conditions for the next 66 hours.










Weather Station Air

  • 2x AA Batteries
  • Combined wall/mast bracket
  • 10-year Weather Service subscription*
  • Installation kit





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